Hi, Caretakers here.
Like Rembrandt, some of my team and I are from the “van Rijn” family. Same last name but no paintings inherited (too bad). For more on our whereabouts click HERE.
Rembrandt van Rijn - Self Portrait
Rijksmuseum Nederland
Somewhere around June 2012, we were reorganizing some antique items from the family heritage and came across the stained glass artwork which we later called Katrain. We knew of its existence but not much else. Throughout our van Rijn family history, the sitter was always referred to as Jacoba van Beieren. However, a quick search revealed it is not her.
And then the real research work started. It became clear that the hair dress was known as French Coif from the early 16th Century. Browsing online through some pictures from that time, we suddenly came upon the painting of Object Number 1926.57 at the Toledo Museum of Art.
A real Shocker: That was HER ! ! !
